Biofuels - great news!

By Stanley Martins Frasão

The Bill of law 5.109, if approved, will change the Brazilian Aeronautical Code (law 7.565/86), with the objective to estimulate the use of biofuels, as ethanol, and reduce the costs of brazilian aviation.

The Bill was proposed by the Congresswoman Mrs. Sandra Rosado (member of the PSB party of the state of Rondônia).

This is excelent news, mainly because it will reflect in the reduction of the operational costs with agricultural aircrafts, which are affected by the constant increase of the petroil prices.

This will also help in the reduction of the emission of gases that cause the 'greenhouse effect', considering that this sector is responsible for 2% of all the emissions of carbonic dioxide to the atmosphere.

Only the aircracts with brazilian registration number can have their engines converted to the use of biofuels, and such procedure should take place in mechanical workshops that are accredited by the brazilian aeronautical authority.

In 08.08.2013, the Congressman Dr. Ubiali (member of the PSB party of the state of São Paulo), the rappourteur of the analysis of the Bill in CDEIC ('Comissão de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Indústria e Comércio' - Comission of Economic Development, Industry and Commerce), presented an opinion (with complementation of Vote) for the approval of the Bill with an amendment to exclude the restriction mentioned above. The opinion was approved unanimously.

Afterwards, in 11.05.2013, the Congressman Mr. José Stédile (member of the PSB party of the state of Rio Grande do Sul), the rappourteur of the analysis of the Bill in IEA ('Agência Internacional de Energia' - International Energy Agency) presented an opinion for the approval of the Bill and of the forementioned supressive amendment (proposed by CDEIC). The same Congressman, in his opinion, informed that IEA expects that biofuels can represent 30% of the energetic consumption in the aereal transportation in the year of 2050. The conventional fuel (QAV - 'querosene de avião' - airplane kerosene) represents today about 40% of the operational costs of aereal transportaion companies.

The conversion of airplanes for the utilization of biofuels will meet the standards and procedures of the propper statues set forth by the aeronautical authority.
It will not be authorized the exportation or operation out of Brazil of the airplanes that have their engines converted to biofuel use.

The aeronautical authority will be responsible for the emission of certificates of the statement of the kind of airplane, of engines, of propellers, and of other aeronautical products and of conversion of engines to the use of biofuels meeting all the necessary requirements provided for in the propper statues.
This Bill of Law, when converted into law, will come into effect in 180 days couting from its publication.

Numerous tests were realized by airline companies and, in 10.23.2013, GOL made the first commercial flight with biofuel. Therefore, the approval of the bill is expected because it will contribute to the reduction of the operational costs of such companies and it will work positively to prevent the 'greenhouse effect'.


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